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Sultry and sexy Dragon Wing bass with a Coco Bolo top. Striking contrasting grain adds to the visual appeal of the hand carved body contours. Excellent balance on a strap (think Explorer body and you'll understand).
Signature electronics offer great tonal variation with separate filters and Q-switches for each pickup. Side-mounted mono output jack is just like the kind used in old telephone switchboards and rated for 1,000,000 insertions. Contacts are welded palladium, and when you insert a cable, you feel a most satisfying "ker-chunk."
Coco Bolo is one of the best tone woods for Alembic basses. Both bright and dark due to the density and oil content of the wood, it reinforces the EQ "smile" that a neck-though bass has naturally. Frankly, it's hard to make this bass sound bad!
Sold by: Bass Central, Oxford Park, FL